Friday, February 13, 2009

Security beefed up for Valentine's day celebrations on Feb 14

Hindutva fringe groups and self-appointed moral policemen are under police watch especially in the four metros, Bangalore and
Mangalore to prevent anycupid chaos in the wake of their planned protests on Valentine's Day tomorrow and threats to prey on lovers.

As dreamy-eyed couples prepare to imbibe Westernised thoughts of romance, the Valentine's Day celebrations in the country is again showing signs of becoming an annual battle between the romantics and activists of right wing groups.

With reminders going out from some outfits that the festivities are "alien"" to Indian culture, elaborate security arrangements have been made to ensure trouble free celebrations.

Police said leaders of outfits like Sri Ram Sene and Rashtriya Hindu Sene are especially under the scanner to ensure that any protests does not snowball into a major law and order problem. The Sri Ram Sene has also threatened to marry off dating couples.

"We are keeping a close watch on their activities," ADGP (Law and Order) A R Infant told media in Bangalore.

"We have taken all preventive measures today and tomorrow. Patrolling has been enhanced. Additional forces have been deployed at all sensitive locations." he said.

Official sources said the government had issued instructions to police to deal sternly with trouble-makers.

In the Capital, Police has made elaborate security arrangements in the wake of Sri Rama Sene plans to have ten mobile teams to scour the city to ensure the couples do not show their public display of affection in an obscene manner.

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