Friday, March 6, 2009

Play with colour this Holi, sans all hassles

Holi is a festival of colours. People sprinkle coloured water on others and smear dry colour on the faces of one another. But fast colours, which soil one's cloth and are very difficult to remove from face and body, put many people's mood off. In fact, many people avoid playing Holi altogether for this reason.

Such people now have a reason to cheer. Here is a colour that leaves no spots either on one's clothes or person, making it possible to celebrate Holi with gay abandon, without any associated hassles.

The specially made colour, available in the local market, has left Holi lovers amazed. Once this liquid, blue colour is sprinkled, one's clothes or face or body appears blue, but as soon as it gets dry the colour vapourises from skin and clothes.

Anilbhai, a wholesaler of colours at Dandia Bazar in Vadodara, demonstrated the colour. He sprinkled the blue color on his shirt, but after a few minutes the shirt had no spot of colour. He said, "This spotless colour is a new product in the market for Holi."

Another colour vendor, Piyush Patel, said, "Many people don't know about this new product. It is gradually getting popular. When customers come at our shop to buy colours for Holi, we give its demonstration to them. It is becoming popular as kids find it a magical way of playing Holi. I think it would be liked by the people who shun playing Holi because of the hassles associated with it.

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